
The Spanish imperialists begin a campaign of fear against Catalonia

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The Spanish imperialists begin a campaign of fear against Catalonia
The Spanish imperialists begin a campaign of fear against Catalonia

The Spanish imperialists begin a campaign of fear against Catalonia

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself ." Said Roosevelt and the phrase is perfectly applicable to the sovereigntist movement. The worst enemy of separatism is separatism same: their doubts, their fratricidal tendencies, its disunity and ultimately a fear of failure that too often leads to depression and melancholy. To combat fear, not even anything like enthusiasm, and this is what means the agreement between Artur Mas and Oriol Junqueras for the single list: an injection of optimism and a new connection with the spirit 9-N, the magical moment that Madrid was confusion reigned and the Catalans we understood that we could win.

The sovereignty, however, failed to take the psychological advantage and won the 9-N has lost much intrigues and factional fighting in months . The agreement in extremis Mas-Junqueras not mean that either or both understood match, but have seen the wolf ears. In recent weeks, a survey has predicted for the first time that the bloc would not gain sovereignty and S-27 have been lit all alarms. This no mistake, the cause Mas Junqueras and realize they were about to ridicule, and Madrid are already rubbing their hands.

So there was agreement Deals. An attempt to reverse the trend of recent months. I attempt that, for me, can have positive results. With the single list, the focus of the election of 27-S will be placed on independence, and on the left-right. And besides independence offered to a candidate who displayed exceptional credible the moment and will generate an illusion that Spain can not offer.

In the coming weeks we will see: line cutting public will that separates those who believe that the elections of 27-S are to make history, those who want to see a left-right dispute distribute a number of regional offices. On one hand independence and the other unionists. It's time to choose who will win and put more enthusiasm into his vote.


Re: The Spanish imperialists begin a campaign of fear against Catalonia

Unity makes us stronger. It makes us invincible. The moral legitimacy of the Catalans defend our rights, which are also the rights of the unemployed and hopeless, it is both unquestioned and unquestionable so soon, called constitutionalists can not hide the shame of being unfair and therefore Catalans them themselves. UNITY dignified and since its inception associated hope, enthusiasm and above all, as I said Lluis Llach in happiness. The process understood from the States, beginning at winning horse. The so-called constitutional poor will inevitably be forced to lie and slander and fall into the trap, once again denying basic rights of Catalans and people will see it. The so-called constitutionalists, where they hide traitors and traitors, they will themselves empastifats dandruff and bile, something absolutely unbearable. The people here who had never seriously considered the question of independence will realize the enormity of the attack and the strategy of fear of the settlers and the repressive despiatats. So much so that very few give much credit acidity. However, those who reasonably happy and peaceful, we believe that the Catalans have the legitimate right to have their own state enjoy one of the sweetest moments of our life. Aflorarà creativity, good feelings are overwhelming, historical memory, impressive, do not forget all those who have also fought for the freedom of our country. We are going well, very well. This will build a new country and not every day we'll do it together. Our character will be the best lure for undecided. And we have spent so much and so well that after verifying that the unit is so revolutionary that when we plan to make the first legislative elections, as it is still in a somewhat embryonic stage, we do not want to undo this unit. Not only that, the unit still has many more beneficial effects unknown. One of them is that precisely in unity lies the true democratic regeneration, yes, because we must be clear that the current model of parties has expired and has become obsolete. When we have not even started the new constitution Catalan, sorry, but we can not be in a hurry to restore the forces of power, partisan and lacking in transparency that currently exists. We will need to perpetuate the unit to continue to live happily and peacefully. What will force a guaranteed future constitution is valid for all the parliamentary arc and ideologies, paradoxically, there is no guarantee that the same guarantee diversity unit. Should encourage citizen participation but not to the extent that it is a mechanism of control. Not to mention it. We encourage value than s'en speaks very little and that is trust. If you analyze it, the trust is the basic and fundamental ingredient of human relationships and of course the unit that we were able to create. We want to trust the political will. They will do well, considering all and the common good will be paying the same constitution and Catalan since become clear that corruption will not be accepted and will promote efficient use of the money of all. While all this would be a little more technical and aside partisan debate for misleading and ineffective. So I think the drive is here to stay, especially for managing the initial phase of this new embryologic state must protect the last times tail who never loved us and that we wanted mistakenly submitted. Believe me. Have no doubt.


Re: The Spanish imperialists begin a campaign of fear against Catalonia

The passage of the incontestable majority in favor of the "right to decide" the most for independence is a delicate jump because it implies a reduction of the ideological spectrum, both flank Initiative as Democratic Union. Three elections in half a year (municipal, national and Spanish) will test the presence or absence of the desire for independence of the majority of the Catalan people.

Internationally because they will have three bad results of independence forces in the Spanish elections would question prior to winter Catalan fall election success.

We entered the eighth year of a given dramatic situation of forced unemployment rates exceeding 25% of the working population and 50% with respect to youth unemployment, eviction of tens of thousands of people, cuts in public services such as health or education, lower wages and working conditions. This decline has been accompanied by upwelling of shameful corruption, aid of 100,000 million euros to financial institutions and the exacerbation of economic inequalities. The indignation is increased with each passing and social problems will determine in the next election cycle day.

To win a majority for independence is necessary to highlight the social dimension of independence, having insisted on its democratic dimension in these years of struggle for the "right to decide". Above all we must contrast the structural foundations of future social independence with the fundamentals of inequality future of the Kingdom of Spain. This has always been in the hands of an oligarchy of landowners, bankers, oligopolistic firms and senior bureaucratic state bodies. They have been responsible for the creation of both the real estate bubble prior to 2007, and the lengthening of the subsequent bankruptcy.

The Spanish extractive elite project has no future, only rely on an economic recovery that returned them to the supposed normality of the years of euphoria. Their only hope is "the recovery of the rich" already enjoyed by banks with the outrageous increases 2014 profit and shareholders of Ibex (*) that revalue their fortunes. Meanwhile impose an "internal devaluation" degrading living conditions of the majority of the population.

The richest 1% was unable to innovate in products and when the hundreds of billions of euros will be entered into the euro and globalization was consolidated with the entry of China into the WTO in 2000. They squandered that flowed with the single currency as the real estate bubble and useless infrastructure. Now the same as the economy sank want to deceive with a false recovery based on the reduction of labor costs. They are unable to build an innovative and export business structure, to find a niche in the European and world markets.

Instead provide Catalonia with its own state has a solid structural foundation to build a country with a comparable social cohesion with the small nations of northern Europe. The first pillar of the social dimension of the Catalan independence is productive and entrepreneurial tradition. Our network of small and medium enterprises has been reduced by the crisis, but has made a radical restructuring in the most adverse conditions of lack of funding and weak domestic demand.

The entrepreneurial drive has replaced traditional industries like textiles, for new sectors such as chemicals and the food and a flowering of exporters. Today Catalonia, with 16% of the Spanish population, accounts for 25% of exports from Spain. International tourism has also grown in our country in these years of crisis. Catalonia itself that is finding its niche in the new global economy and consolidate faster with their own state without dependence on Spain.

Thanks to this productive reality the unemployment rate independent Catalonia, without the burden of fiscal imbalances and the Spanish administration, be reduced, in the worst case, the average of the European Union, ie half the Spanish. This reduction in unemployment based on tradition and reality of work and initiative of Catalonia must counterpose both the "rich recovery" of the Spanish oligarchy promises to create jobs by stimulating demand offering new Spanish regeneracionistas forces.

Without a solid production base, as in most of the regions of Spain, the deficit of the trade balance will strangle the recovery path as happened between 2008 and 2010. Also the quality of jobs, especially considering youth with more training in history, also it depends on a competitive production capacity in technology.

A second structural pillar that ensures the cohesion of the independent Catalonia is our social structure, characterized throughout history by the small and medium land. This contrasts with the large estates of many regions of the Kingdom of Spain and Spanish historical differences and social antagonisms. This more egalitarian reality brings us to the social situation of the small countries of northern Europe and ensures a social consensus as exists in these countries, who combine the highest standard of living to the level of equality and social protection more high worldwide. The governments of right and left will happen but the welfare state is maintained.

A third pillar which guarantees the future of the Catalan social state is the democratic mobilization of millions of people in recent years, they come from all social classes, but mainly from the popular classes. In contrast, the most prominent members of the Catalan section of the Spanish oligarchy oppose the independence test that threatened their privileges.

The independence movement is a genuine democratic revolution that struggle to put in the hands of the Catalan people all national sovereignty. After years of disparaging claims as a national conservative distraction maneuver, the unionist left notes with perplexity how Syriza, the Greek left against the troika, proclaimed as a priority the defense of national sovereignty.


Re: The Spanish imperialists begin a campaign of fear against Catalonia

Bonito video, gran argumento y puesta en escena.

Sobretodo me ha molado las recomendaciones que propone la pagina, a "la derecha".


Re: The Spanish imperialists begin a campaign of fear against Catalonia

je je


Re: The Spanish imperialists begin a campaign of fear against Catalonia

The first thing you should know a Catalan when dealing racist, is on track. Spain is the only European country that has benefited from the policies of Adolf Hitler twice. First to impose a fascist dictatorship Spanish root and then continue to work to erase the nation Catalan maps, accusing Nazi and racist members more belligerent policies of assimilation. The other day a boy Initiative wondering how to distinguish the Spanish Catalans who live in Catalonia. Well, look, this exercise so simple: seeing how they react when you mention any issue related trauma Hitler spread to Europe. Since the 60s, a position Franco accused Nazi Joan Fuster for his book We the Valencians -busquin information about Professor of Political Science Diego Andrés Sevilla and see how far ignominy.

Catalan everything else should know is that today accuse us of racism, xenophobia or ethnically because we can accuse separatists. We say the same reason that the Nazis decades ago told us Jews, Poles or Phoenicians. For many Spanish constitutionalists and democrats continue to be the incarnation of the enemy inside exterminated. As long as Catalans have no ties with Spain the Spanish Unit of the State will not be assured. Obviously, genetics has little or no importance: what percentage share DNA with a fly? 90 percent? I do not know. But there is a problem if the same voices calling for open pits of the Civil War so that people can bury their relatives or celebrate that the state offer citizenship to descendants of Jews expelled by the Catholic kings, s 'scandal when someone speaks of genetic similarities or ethnic or cultural. Why is this happening in a state that retains a hereditary monarchy with the complicity of the major parties of the left and the right.

I think the nightmare torture in Spanish we try racist is not that Catalans repeat the atrocities of Adolf Hitler. What's scary is that we recover the will to power and vision of the world as a people have been lost due to violence and marginalization to which we were subjected. When we say we stigmatize racist or xenophobic rhetoric and codes of the time to warn more docile Catalans containing their identity if they want to receive. It does not take a genius to see that denying the difference is also a way of marginalizing it and destroy it. In France, the Roma do not officially exist because ethnic classifications are prohibited. Of course, gypsies there anyway. But those who are of French origin, or have been assimilated or have been added to the original groups from other countries such as Catalonia or Alsace.

In Sweden, there are still cases of a strange disease called myopathy Miyoshi, who knows for sure that was transmitted by a settler named Jaume Ferrer I Vallmoll. History weighs. This is reflected in genetics and is reflected in culture, economics and politics. If the children resemble their parents, why countries should not be on notice? The Americans talk about these issues without problems because he never bent to Hitler. The Spaniards continued to use them to pour out the work of unifying Franco and his predecessors.


Re: The Spanish imperialists begin a campaign of fear against Catalonia

A former vice president of TC compares the catalan plebiscite with a coup of Estat
Rodriguez Arribas points out that fraud is not determined by law only the decree calling an election
The former vice president of the Constitutional Court (TC) Ramon Rodriguez Arribas said that referendums are peculiar to "those who have given a coup" "political instruments". Referendum and elections, he said, "are completely antagonistic terms" and turn one thing into the other would be a "fraud" and a "political and legal nonsense" that, if consummated, "could reach the absolute nullity."

..Durant Its mandate in the Constitutional Court formulated particularly the ruling on the statute of Catalonia vote, by arguing that provisions were unconstitutional and especially as regards the adjective "national", which earned him harsh criticism from the Catalan nationalists. He also opposed the legalization of Bildu and Sortu later, to understand that they were the political arm of ETA, also developing two separate dissenting opinions. It also made individual opinion to the judgment on gay marriage, arguing that to regulate the reform of the relevant article of the Constitution on the right of men and women for marriage had been necessary.


Re: The Spanish imperialists begin a campaign of fear against Catalonia

Spanish nationalism has a very serious problem, it is believed his lies, in Catalonia unionism has always been residual, the Catalan is always a majority, and independence was also minor, thanks to the continuous attacks against Spanish Catalan nationalism the catalan independence movement has become, and now, the 27S, we will know exactly how many we are, if we are mostly initiate a phase that will end with an independent state, now thankfully everything depends on us, if we vote all the victory can not escape, if we succeed it will be a tribute to our ancestors who fought so much for it, and we have a duty to our descendants to leave them a better country, it is not losing any vote convince the undecided. Encouragement that we are about to star in a very important page in the history of our nation. We can not fail.

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