
The acquittal of young Isma and Dani notes that "there could be identification errors involuntary"

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The acquittal of young Isma and Dani notes that "there could be identification errors involuntary"
The acquittal of young Isma and Dani notes that "there could be identification errors involuntary"

The acquittal of young Isma and Dani notes that "there could be identification errors involuntary"

Judge discredits the testimony and the affidavit of the Catalan police sergeant who stopped them and considers that there are numerous contradictions in the process. The two young students spent 34 days in jail for these events

They demanded eight years and nine months in prison for each of them, but have finally been acquitted. Isma and Dani, the two young students of the faculty of physics and militants of the student union, spent 34 days in prison for taking part in a picket of the general strike of 29 March 2012- will not have to meet any penalty and may file a claim against the state assets to be compensated.

The ruling of the criminal court 6 Barcelona believes that "this situation of uncertainty and in the absence of proof conclusive evidence necessarily have to go to the aid of the principle in dubio pro reo and the mandate that absolutori This principle imposes. " The judge reels piece by piece the whole procedure and concludes that despite having incorporated testimonial than a dozen police officers (Mossos d'Esquadra between agents and the police) only a sergeant of the Mossos d'Esquadra saw the facts and was indeed ordered the arrest of two young men.


Re: The acquittal of young Isma and Dani notes that "there could be identification errors involuntary"

The judge argued that in order to be considered that the responsibility of specific people, you have to identify behaviors and fully identify the defendants as perpetrators, which "has not been done in no time, nor in the crowded even in the act of judgment "he disclosed in the statement.

As for the objects found in a backpack that, according to the same sergeant, were used to set fire to containers at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Barcelona, ​​the judge states that the expert does not indicate that that material had been used.

"In short, there have been major doubts about the reliability of such identification must also be noted that the defendants do not have characteristics that differ from the rest clear way. It is noteworthy that the agent itself indicates that when the accused Ismael check liquid in the container go with hood and masked "and recognized by the trainers", again without details as to how they were. As the accused Daniel the only identifying marks according to him, are a pair of paste in the act of judgment says are black and white and in the crowded are white and yellow, denying the accused in the act of judgment that were pasta. No work in the proceedings no photograph of the accused at the time of the facts can help realize these ends, "she argues the sentence, opting for the acquittal of the two young men motivated by the lack of conclusive evidence.


Re: The acquittal of young Isma and Dani notes that "there could be identification errors involuntary"

Isma and Dani are two young students of the Faculty of Physics of Barcelona that, ensuing the general strike of 2012, were arrested while walking down the street. Relying only on information from a newspaper, Judge Carmen Garcia Martinez -famosa now the case 'City Morta'- decided to imprison them until after thirty-four days the Provincial Court of Barcelona in reversed order. However, the two boys nightmare lasted until yesterday. The Government and the City Council, which withdrew the complaint with the arrival of Ada Colau the mayor, asked the nine years in prison. Yesterday were acquitted without charge.

The ruling frees really unusual because probably just saying that police committed errors involuntary identification '. One way that the police arrested without any evidence or any indication concluding that they had participated in any of the incidents of which they were accused. The error was unintentional side Isma and Dani thirty-four days in prison and three years of long anguish.

On the other hand, there is convened tomorrow in a demonstration to protest Rambla del Raval new news about the case called Dixan. It has now been confirmed that operation against a group -teòricament gihadista- had come from the imagination of a police informer who invented a group of people who did nothing criminal.

The result was even more severe than in the previous case: eleven citizens of Pakistani origin had to spend between six and eight years in prison, and most have been expelled after. For not having done anything, because everything which they were accused of was a lie.

In both cases there were organizations and media from the first time we denounce the weakness of the arguments of the police and the inconsistency of cases. But this was no obstacle for these thirteen people they were subjected to an ordeal impossible to accept in a democracy.

In both cases, we should not infer a general condemnation, but are very paradigm of a reality that we all know: the functioning of justice and the police, especially when politically sensitive border issues leaves much to be desired.

When in doubt, prefer confining innocent nonexistent evidence than risking a guilty remain free or that accuse them of being too fussy. And this has been verbalized by ministers and councilors from all political stripes in different eras, it's just a huge risk for the whole population. For all of us. Police and judges accumulate extraordinary power over our lives and this must also ask them extraordinary prudence, before bringing the life of the people by the worst.


Garbanzos con espincas ricas ricas

Deliciosa receta de garbanzos con espinacas, Karlos Arguiñano prepara el cocido de legumbres y verduras con huevo duro y albóndigas fritas de pan.

•- Para 4 personas:
•400 g de garbanzos
•300 g de espinacas
•250 g de miga de pan
•1 vaso de leche
•1 cebolla
•1 zanahoria
•1 cabeza de ajo
•2 huevos cocidos
•1 huevo batido
•perejil picado

Elaboración de la receta de garbanzos con espinacas

De víspera deja los garbanzos a remojo. Pon los garbanzos en agua hirviendo y sal. Pica la zanahoria y la cebolla y échalos a la cazuela donde están los garbanzos. Deja cocer durante hora y media..

Pica fínamente los ajos y ponlos en un bol junto con la miga de pan. Añade la leche y el perejil picado y deja reposar. Haz albóndigas con la miga de pan, pasa por harina y huevo y fríe en una sartén con aceite.

Limpia y trocea las espinacas. Añádelas a los garbanzos y cuece durante otros 2 minutos. Pela y trocea los huevos cocidos en cuatro partes y échalos a los garbanzos.

Pon las albóndigas fritas en la cazuela y remueve.

Sirve en una fuente amplia y espolvorea con un poco de perejil picado.

Receta indicada para personas que sufren hipertensión.

Comentario dietético

Este plato es nutricionalmente muy completo porque además de las legumbres, contiene verduras, cereales, lácteos y huevo siendo recomendable como segundo platos despues de una ensalada variada.

Me ha dicho mi amigo Karlos Armiñano que no lo sirva la font.


Garbanzos con espincas ricas ricas

Deliciosa receta de garbanzos con espinacas, Karlos Arguiñano prepara el cocido de legumbres y verduras con huevo duro y albóndigas fritas de pan.

•- Para 4 personas:
•400 g de garbanzos
•300 g de espinacas
•250 g de miga de pan
•1 vaso de leche
•1 cebolla
•1 zanahoria
•1 cabeza de ajo
•2 huevos cocidos
•1 huevo batido
•perejil picado

Elaboración de la receta de garbanzos con espinacas

De víspera deja los garbanzos a remojo. Pon los garbanzos en agua hirviendo y sal. Pica la zanahoria y la cebolla y échalos a la cazuela donde están los garbanzos. Deja cocer durante hora y media..

Pica fínamente los ajos y ponlos en un bol junto con la miga de pan. Añade la leche y el perejil picado y deja reposar. Haz albóndigas con la miga de pan, pasa por harina y huevo y fríe en una sartén con aceite.

Limpia y trocea las espinacas. Añádelas a los garbanzos y cuece durante otros 2 minutos. Pela y trocea los huevos cocidos en cuatro partes y échalos a los garbanzos.

Pon las albóndigas fritas en la cazuela y remueve.

Sirve en una fuente amplia y espolvorea con un poco de perejil picado.

Receta indicada para personas que sufren hipertensión.

Comentario dietético

Este plato es nutricionalmente muy completo porque además de las legumbres, contiene verduras, cereales, lácteos y huevo siendo recomendable como segundo platos despues de una ensalada variada.

Me ha dicho mi amigo Karlos Armiñano que no lo sirva en la font.

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