
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3.164 / 3.346

The Waiting Game: Nos vuelven a poner a prueba ante falta de noticias

Bueno volvemos con las bajadas ante la falta de noticias... paciencia y si alguien desea entrar que aproveche el momento.


Morningstar: Nuevo Fondo 5 stars invierte en WMIH

Third Avenue Focused Credit Investor TFCVX

Con menos de 4% US stocks y más de 80% bonds en asset allocation it parece que un fondo muy conservador de "NY" compro 1.407.040 acciones durante elúltimo trimestre.®ion=usa&culture=en-US

2nd page of holdings.

Y/Cap asset management tambien compró 2 millones acciones más.

Abril de momento está siendo un mes con caidas acumuladas del 6.15%... seguimos esperando.


Re: La primera adquición de WMIH ocurrirá el próximo trimestre.. abril como mes más probable.

Mr Simpson

Una consulta

La estrategia de adquisición que debe estar planificando WMIH es comparable con la que uso BIOF ; ya que el incremento que ha tenido BIOF , a pesar de algunos días de bajadas, es muy interesante.

Esperemos que algo parecido suceda con WMIH



Blackstone (Asesores WMIH): Informe 1er trimestre 2014

Pagina 9

"Blackstone Advisory Partners’ revenue more than doubled compared to the first quarter of 2013 as several large deals closed during the first quarter of 2014, including Advanced Auto Parts and WMI Holdings."

Chairman in the 2013 annual report. The following is an excerpt.

"A long term viewpoint is essential to our approach. We invest patiently over a long time horizon, improving the value of assets in our portfolios by partnering with great management teams, investing financial and intellectual capital to help companies and properties reach their full potential, and exiting investments strategically. Once we commit to an investment, we stick with it across market cycles and actively manage the investment to deliver on its promise."


KKR: Conferencia Inversores 24 abril

Si tuvieran algo que anunciar yo eligiría esta fecha.

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- KKR & Co. L.P. (NYSE:KKR) announced today that it plans to release its financial results for the first quarter 2014 on Thursday, April 24, 2014, before the opening of trading on the New York Stock Exchange.

A conference call to discuss KKR's financial results will be held on Thursday, April 24, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. EDT. The conference call may be accessed by dialing (877) 303-2917 (U.S. callers) or +1 (253) 237-1135 (non-U.S. callers); a pass code is not required. Additionally, the conference call will be broadcast live over the Internet and may be accessed through the Investor Center section of KKR's website at

A replay of the live broadcast will be available on KKR's website or by dialing (855) 859-2056 (U.S. callers) or +1 (404) 537-3406 (non-U.S. callers), pass code 26683527, beginning approximately two hours after the broadcast.


¿Posible fusion KFN y WMIH?

I still think that,probably,KKR wants to merge WMIH with KFN. There is a proposed merger between KKR and KFN and there will be a special KFN shareholder meeting on 4-30-2014 related to this merger,now, our BOD had said we need a profitable company and we know we have at least 5.9 B NOL's that can offset taxes for 20 years,5.9B/20 years is near 300 millions per year, well... KFN has a little more than 300 millions gross profits per year with a profit margin of almost 60 %. Also,KFN has 204.15M shares outstanding,pretty much in line with WMIH , market cap. for KFN is 2.4 B so it could be possible for these financial engineers at KKR and Blackstone to merge these two companies , they just need to clear all the restrictions and limitations of IRS section 382.I will be monitoring closely this KFN shareholders meeting and also the next KKR earnings conference on 4-24 for any "slip of the tongue" that can occur. IMO.


WAHUQ (PIERS) posible pago 1 Mayo

Part one of two: Just maybe once these are paid, then maybe we can get out of tranche four and move on to tranche five which should be quick and then on to equity to see what the orginal palnners were really after since they failed at getting equity cancelled. it looks like the Piers issue may be over once and for all after the May 01, 2014 distribution. Will there be surprises...we will know soon IMHO.
The Plan provides that upon the earlier to occur of (a) the determination of the Trust Advisory Board, with the consent of each LTI holder which would be a recipient of Runoff Notes, (b) all Allowed CCB-1 Guarantees Claims and Allowed CCB-2 Guarantees Claims (as defined in the Plan) being paid in full in accordance with Articles XIX and XX of the Plan, respectively, and (c) the Runoff Notes being the sole remaining Liquidating Trust Asset, the balance of the Runoff Notes in the Trust, as the balance thereof may have been reduced from time-to-time, shall be distributed to LTI holders with outstanding balances as of the date thereof. To the extent that a holder of an Allowed Claim receives Runoff Notes pursuant to such a distribution, the amount of such holder’s outstanding LTI amount shall be reduced on a dollar-for-dollar basis by the lesser of (i) the original principal amount of the Runoff Notes so received and (ii) the then outstanding principal amount (without regard to any interest paid-in-kind) of the Runoff Notes so received. Therefore, the net realizable value currently reported for the Runoff Notes may not reflect the amount of the LTI balance that will be reduced if distributed directly to LTI holders


Re: WAHUQ (PIERS) posible pago 1 Mayo

As simply as I can explain this, however, I would always recommend a security holder read the information for themselves of course, or pay an attorney a few bucks to help if necessary
... the 12/31/2013 10-K stipulates to the last Trust Asset (The RON's) are to be distributed to the last creditor (The Piers) and obviously the holders of LTI's

That's it ..... there is no more money and no more assets .... as far as Bankruptcy Procedure goes ..... she's over' Then Tranche 4 within the distribution Matrix will be completed ...
Again, that's it .... NO MORE NOTHING TO DISTRIBUTE Then we have to move on to scrutinize any claims with Tranche 5 (Rule 510(b)) issues and all of that Maybe in the mean time, we collect a few tax refunds or some D&O money ....

It's all described in the Plan of Reorganization
We have nothing left after the May 1st distribution with the exception of a few bucks for expenses ... so we shut down the last creditor class and move on along

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