
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.897 / 3.346

Re: Reconstruyendo la Casa

Buen fin de semana... y que lo digas


Re: Reconstruyendo la Casa

La pregunta que hago es si las acciones acaban a estos niveles entrando en la Compañía reorganizada ¿Que hubiera pasado si la Juez hubiese confirmado el POR dejando fuera a los accionistas? Los usuarios que han comprado han aprendido a no fiarse de las noticias y comentarios que se colocan alegremente en un foro sin estar soportados por datos verificables.


Re: Reconstruyendo la Casa

Estos precios no son indicativos de la New Co... al menos yo no lo pienso.


Re: Reconstruyendo la Casa

En unos meses sabrás si vas a la pira o te hacen un monumento, de momento parece que tienen preparada la madera.


Re: Reconstruyendo la Casa

Hoy hay monumento a la vista... :) :) pues recuperamos la caida sin sentido de ayer
No te estreses Besuguin que cuando la BK se termine se acabo tu pesadilla y empezara el sueño de otros


Re: Reconstruyendo la Casa

No es mi pesadilla, yo no tengo este problema en el que has colocado a otros usuarios en este juego, en todo caso es a ellos a los que les debes explicaciones de todo lo que ha pasado desde que compraron P´s a 80 o K´s a 2`30 siguiendo tus recomendaciones de comprar a largo y no vender nunca sin siquiera aplicar un stop loss.


Re: Reconstruyendo la Casa


Re: Reconstruyendo la Casa - Pregunta 1: ¿Porqué aceptó TPS?

I think you guys are being overly pessimistic at this point.

I don't believe the EC deceived us about retail getting a meaningful recovery.

I think the clues to where we are reside in the treatment of DIMEQ and the TPSC. If you start with Steinberg and ask yourself what he'd need for his clients, and what he got, you see that he got about 4MM shares and those shares have to be worth more than $4MM, or Steinberg is a dupe for taking them when the DIMEQ's original claim was in the vicinity of $336MM.

You should also ask yourself why the TPSC wanted the commons' portion reduced. I think they thought commons' share too rich, and wanted that portion for themselves.

Other clues reside in the magnitude of the tax benefits and the need of the SNs to rid themselves of retail to exploit those tax benefits.
bopfan..."You should also ask yourself why the TPSC wanted the commons' portion reduced. I think they thought commons' share too rich, and wanted that portion for themselves."

This is an interesting point being that initially TPSC wanted to zero out commons to their own advantage....but since they had reversed their position in their settlement and accepted 5% addtl to Class 19 and allowing not to fight Class 22 for the remaining 25% reduced from 30% can be somewhat intriguing...that they may know something we all do not...... And what you stated about Art for his clients DIMEQ is also to be taken as serious since we all know how sharp Art had proven himself to be in representing his clients during this sham case.....

Hopefully EC/Susman team will provide us some news shortly as we sit in the dark (again)....waiting....

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