
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
1.138 / 3.346


Me encanta tu analogía :) así es... no estamos tan mal.
Yo añadiría que estamos reordenando todos los desbarajustes que se han cometido en estos 18 meses.

Estamos esperando un nuevo movimiento de Rosen y una modificación de POR que contente a los bonistas pero nos siga ofreciendo miserias. Estamos reforzados con un gran equipo que al igual que el Barcelona de Guardiola empezó perdiendo... muchos lo cuestionaron y lo querian incluso echar a la calle... fijaos que diferencia el dejar que alguien haga su trabajo de manera tranquila.

Me preguntais cuando reaccionaran nuestras WAMU´s pues entre el 21 de abril y 1 de Junio si es que no se cuece algo antes.

Si me preguntais cual es mi deseo os lo diré... anular el POR, recibir los $4B + NOL´s, poner un Trustee en WAMU y echar al BOD, poner un fraudulent transfer con Tort e ir a todo trapo a un macro juicio que le saque hasta el higadillo a JPM/FDIC y finalmente jejejeje que Rosen sea destrozado por su maestro y mentor en la Bancarrota. El veterano león rugirá con tal fuerza que hará palidecer al jodido cachorro.

No dudeis que este caso hará historia y nosotros seremos parte de ella :)


Si usted tiene algunas dudas a continuación, lea esto

1st I should say I am not a pumper and you should do your own DD to buy or sell. I posted here mostly post seizure and I am pre and post commons and P's. I have seen a lot of bashers postinng negative posts that commons and P's have no chance of recovery.

If you think commons and P's have no chance then you should ask the following questions:

1. if commons are not going to see some sort of recovery then why in the hell UST intervened?

2. If commons do not have a chance of recovery then why in the hell judge did not disapprove EC?

3. Who has been right in the past 18 months?

I see bashers floodinng the board. The funny thing is that they did bash WAMU from when commons were trading at 2 cents
and P's at 2 dollars. Now, commons are 800% higher and P's 2000% higher than 18 months ago. Who has been right and wrong in the past 18 months? longs or shorts?

just imagine those bashers lost and went under by 100's of percent in the past 18 months and now you have new comers and they will be washed out too. If there are some who still have some money left but are under the water by 100's of percentage then I have one thing to say. You are paying for your stupidity and you will be washed out completely. You are fooled by Jamie Dimon who said they will win in every case. Remember? He said he will win them all? Then what happened to agreeing to pay back 4 billion dollars? IS that called winning? We have not seen the end yet. I remember that JPM lawyers were saying in one of the Press release that there is not one witness about this 4 billion dollar deposit or one document showing that it belongs to WMI. And what did happen after that PR? they agreed 4 billion dollars belong to WMI. Didn't they? Isn't this losing Jamie Dimon followers?

So, for those of you who may have some doubts think about it and compare the progress made from 18 monhts ago and if you still have some doubts then keep asking these two fundamental quesitons? Why Walrath did not trash EC? Why did UST intervene in this case if commons do not have a good chance off recovery?


Termina la semana

Veamos como termina esta semana, la primera d varias decisivas !!! :)


Re: Habeis leido esto, 13-16 Abril

US Senate panel to probe cause of financial crisis
WASHINGTON, April 8 (Reuters) - A Senate panel will start
probing the causes of the financial crisis and plans to examine
the risky home loans sold and bundled by Washington Mutual Bank
as well as the role of bank regulators, the panel
said on Thursday.
The Senate hearings, scheduled for April 13 and 16, come as
a congressionally appointed commission also investigates what
caused the worst economic crisis in decades.
The Senate permanent subcommittee on investigations is
holding the hearings and did not disclose who would be
testifying. Washington Mutual, one of the biggest bank failures
in U.S. history, is trying to emerge from bankruptcy.
(Reporting by Rachelle Younglai; Editing by Gary Hill)
(([email protected]; +1 202 898 8411))


Acciones de ABK

Hola os estoy leyendo ya desde hace varias semanas dado mi gran interés en WAMUQ. Estoy comprado en 0,18 de media y las mantendré hasta acuerdo o sentencia judicial. Y me parecen muy interesantes vuestras opiniones.

Lo que ocurre es que pasó algo ayer con ABK muy interesante y quería saber vuestra opinión para corto y largo plazo.

Muchas Gracias.


Re: Acciones de ABK

Aqui solo se habla de Wamu. Mejor abre un tema nuevo para cuestionar otras acciones.


A Suggested Equity POR

Suggested Equity POR

Why does WaMu have to pay off all its bonds immediately in court? Only part of its debt is due right now. Here's what I could find according to FINRA.

2009: 1B (4.00%) DUE
2009: .5B (2.95%) DUE
2010: .5B (4.20%) DUE
2010: .25B (3.09%) DUE
2010: .5B (8.25%) DUE
2011: .36B (5.5%)
2012: .40B (5.0%)
2012: .45B (3.5%)
2012: .5B (3.126%)
2014: .75B (4.625%)
2017: .75B (5.25%)
2017: .5B (7.25%)
2041: 1.15B (5.28%) (WAHUQ)

If only $2.75B is due with interest, why can't WaMu come out of chapter eleven and resume business with equity intact since its sitting on $6.9B in assets of which $4.5B is cash. They could pay off the debt due as well as the missed interest to the later issues and still have at least $1B in cash available and $1.4B in subsidiaries which could turn a profit as WMI. Since WMI has some $20B in NOLs they could offset taxes on their income for quite a while. At a 35% tax rate the NOLs are worth $7B. Also look at the interest rates on the debt. Most of it is around or below 5%. WMI could buy a high yield investment like iShares Preferred (PFF) which pays around 6.42% and enjoy the 1.42% differential between what they collect and what they owe the bondholders. A cheap loan is an asset in itself. A lesser company looking for an easy loan could buy WMI, use its NOL for itself and have access to several billion in cheap money for 5 years rather than go to the corporate market and have to pay a much higher rate.

What is wrong with this equity friendly POR? It doesn't even require a settlement on the taxes or anything else which can be fought out in court over the next century


Re: A Suggested Equity POR

A lesser company looking for an easy loan could buy WMI, use its NOL for itself and have access to several billion in cheap money for 5 years rather than go to the corporate market and have to pay a much higher rate.

pues es cierto un chollo sin riesgo para la empresa que quiera "comprar el caso"

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