Blog Kaos
Blog Kaos
Blog Kaos

La inmigración, la excusa perfecta...

para reimplementar las fronteras internas y contener la avalancha de europeos clase "B", frente a la casi segura expulsión salida del Euro de los PIGS

A mechanism must also be put in place to allow the Union to handle situations where either a Member State is not fulfilling its obligations to control its section of the external border, or where a particular portion of the external border comes under unexpected and heavy pressure due to external events. A coordinated Community-based response by the Union in critical situations would undoubtedly increase trust among Member States. It would also reduce recourse tounilateral initiatives by Member States to temporarily reintroduce internal border controls or to intensify police checks in internal border regionswhich inevitably slow down the crossing of internal borders for everyone. Such a mechanism may therefore need to be introduced, allowing for a decision at the European level defining which Member States would exceptionnally reintroduce internal border control and for how long. The mechanism should be used as a last resort in truly critical situations, until ther (emergency) measures have been taken to stabilise the situation at the relevant external border section either at European level, in a spirit of solidarity, and/or at national level, to better comply with the common rules. The Commission is exploring the feasibility of introducing such a mechanism, and may present a proposal to this effect shortly.
Alea jacta est
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  1. en respuesta a 7.......s
    16/05/11 12:42

    Ja,ja, querido 7.......s.

    Muy bueno lo del feudalismo.

    Ya puestos y si se puede elegir, tú señor feudal de Sevilla y yo de Madrid.

    Pero con AVE eh?, que eso del caballo o del carrro debe ser muy lento y muy incómodo. Ja, ja.

    Seríamos unos señores feudales generosos y magnánimos. Lo pasaríamos bien.

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